20 May 2012

i've got the magic in me

The first time I read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone I was forced into doing it. My sister, then in middle school, was reading the series and couldn't stop talking about them. I, being the sophisticated and mature high schooler I was, dismissed them as kid's books:

"No Sally, they're really cool."
"Whatever, Sister. Magic is for babies."
"Just read them! I promise you'll like them!"

After several weeks of badgering, I agreed to read the first one-- but only the first one!-- just to shut her up. The joke was on me, though. I was instantly hooked, and haven't shut up about the books since.

In college I continued my Potter obsession. I attended midnight book releases, midnight movie releases, and even started a private Potter-themed sorority with my dorm mates. Every situation could be brought back to the books somehow, whether it was shouting "Alohamora!" when unlocking the front door, or wishing each other "Happy Christmas Ron/Happy Christmas Harry" via Facebook.

So naturally, upon hearing that a Harry Potter theme park would be opening at Universal Studios, we literally jumped for joy.

We planned on visiting the Wizarding World of Harry Potter together, but life got in the way. We've gotten married, bought homes, lost our jobs, started new ones. Still, our love of all things Potter is great enough that when I announced that my fiance was taking me to the park, they were genuinely excited for me. Jealous, but excited.

I am happy to report that the Wizarding World is just as cool as we all imagined. It could be bigger, but then I think the only way Potter fans could truly be satisfied is if Hogwarts were suddenly revealed to be a real life school and we all received our owl post acceptance letters. The rides are fun, the Hogsmeade shops are amazingly detailed, and the perpetual winter landscaping is a nice touch.

My favorite moment was sitting in the cool dark Hog's Head pub, sipping a butter beer. For a moment I could almost believe I wasn't in sunny Florida, but instead in cloudy England. I was having fun with my classmates, putting off our History of Magic and Care of Magical Creatures homework until the last moment as usual. Later we would pop into Zonko's for some trick wands, and then head back to the castle just in time for dinner.

It would be the perfect end to a perfect day.

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